22mini vs minib?

Shop Forums QnA 22mini vs minib?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  flashteker@gmail.com 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6538

    The Swede

    Hi, what is the difference between the 22mini-b and the b-mini?


    And also – about how long is the waiting now for soldering and building a keyboard (one of the minis)?

    Im super happy with my TKL and B-pad, they have been 100% stable!



    Like all other keyboards, the difference is layout.

    – B.mini : 

    – 22mini : 

    B.mini have one more row than 22-mini.

    And it would take 1 week if you don’t include housing case.

    3 weeks if you include housing case but not soldering switches.

    5 weeks if you include soldering switches.



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