b.face and housing question

Shop Forums QnA b.face and housing question

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  flashteker@gmail.com 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    i’m getting ready to put in an order. i have a couple questions:

    -what is the difference between winkey and winkeyless stabilizer? for this layout, http://i1.wp.com/winkeyless.kr/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DSC_1934.jpg, do i want winkeyless?

    -it’s kind of hard to figure out what color combination i want for housing (acrylic w/ diffuser). especially because the photos posted don’t specify what color was chosen for each layer.

    i was thinking: matte black, sky blue opaque, sky blue opaque.

    but i’m not sure if this will look good or not.

    what are the layers chosen in this photo: http://i1.wp.com/winkeyless.kr/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DSC_1934.jpg ?

    also, do any of your pcbs fit into a tex aluminum or tex acrylic case?



    The spacebar length of winkey layout is 6.25U, while winkeyless 7U.

    The spacebar in the pic is using 7U long, so it’s winkeylss.
    If you want the same keyboard as the pic, it’s B.face(X2) and spacerow layout is “blank- 1 -1.5- 7 1.5 -1- blank”. You can find this layout option at the item “BBB acrylic case” or “Acrylic case with RGB Diffuser”.

    The color combination is personal preferences, and the look is depending on your imagination and aesthetic skill.

    Anyway the colors in the pic are “matte frost – white – matte frost”

    And I heard that some one was using our PCB with TEX case.

    Please check the layout.




    Thanks for your quick reply Hojin.

    Could you tell me what color choices this is:


    Thanks and just want to say your work is incredible=)


    The housing case is “Acrylic case with RGB Diffuser” (http://winkeyless.kr/product/bbb_acrylic-case-with-rgb-diffuser/)

    The colors of that keyboard are
    – Matte Black(or Black opaque)
    – Matte frost
    – Matte frost


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