I have in my possession a b.mini (X2? White PCB, 2 rows of SMD RGB LEDs), that I got second hand a few months back. The board has been a joy to have and was working great, but has lately started to act up lately, and has finally reached a point where it seems to experiencing severe problems.
It started with me noticing out of the corner of my eye what looked like the RGB LEDs flickering off and then off very quickly, almost like the keyboard had lost connection for a brief moment. This was confirmed when I began noticing that sometimes the keyboard will disconnect for a second or so a time (i.e. I’ll be typing and it stops recognizing keystrokes).
Fast forward to today/tonight: I’m now getting very frequent connection drops (several times while typing out this message), and the LED that is soldered onto the ESC key (it seems to be some kind of status/indicator light) is flashing constantly. I’ve tried a computer restart, as well as a few simple changes in BootMapper–oh, on that note, for a bit, I couldn’t even connect to BootMapper; I got an “Error setting action” error.
I’m fearing that the PCB might have something going wrong with it, but am hoping there may be another answer 🙁