B.mini DIY

Shop Forums QnA B.mini DIY

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  flashteker@gmail.com 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6412


    Hi Hojin,

    I’m looking to build a keyboard with the 22mini-B PCB. I would like to do the soldering myself, but if possible have you solder the controller. However, the option for this seems to be missing from the website, but I have seen people talk about it costing $6. Two other questions, I need 860 ohm resistors for the RGB leds, right? And which diode to I get, 1N4148W, or LL4148?




    Hi Benson.

    Thanks for your interests in my products.

    1. It’s possible for you to ask me to install controller.
    In the PCB item, choose “SMT” option which is including the soldering of controller.

    * SMT
    -> Including Parts and Soldering: Main Controller Parts + RGB LEDs + RGB Controller + Diodes + Resistors(R820)

    -> Not Including : Switches, In-switch LEDs

    2. For RGB LED, you don’t need resistors which is used for only in-switch LED.
    Anyway “SMT” option contains soldering of RGB LED parts.




    Hi Hojin,

    I know I can select SMT to include soldering of all the components except switches and in switch LEDs, but I would like to also solder resistors and diodes. Is it possible to have you solder only the controller components?




    Hi Benson.

    Sorry for misunderstanding you.

    No. You have to choose only 1  out of 2 options –  SMT or DIY.


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