B.mini EX PCB base without plate for switches?

Shop Forums QnA B.mini EX PCB base without plate for switches?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  flashteker@gmail.com 6 years, 8 months ago.

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    I want to do PCB mounted switches and no plate between key caps and PCB.

    Looking for a thick metal back plate with minimal protection for the sides of the PCB:

    Is this a good idea?
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Will this PCB be strong enough? To withstand regular typing and the occasional impacts along the exposed sides.?</p>
    If so, are there more options for this than just the Bold case? Otherwise I can make one custom but would rather not, as this is only second build. First with B.mini EX PCB.




    Hi John.

    It’s quite difficult to answer your question.

    I’m not sure how much strong meets your request.
    But I think a plate is essential not only to protect your pcb,
    but also to make key-stroke stable.
    So the stronger plate is, the better.

    And I don’t have any other case than Bold.

    I hope my answer would help.



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