Build problem

Shop Forums QnA Build problem

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Marcos 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    I’m in a bit of a pickle here. So I just bought a B.87 X2 104 key variant. I’m soldering the diodes on the board, and after every row I go and test them on EK Switch Hitter. Turns out all keys work fine, but keys 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the number row, as well as -, = and Num Lock, /, *, and – all end up sending ALL characters on that row when pressed. So for example, if I close the circuit on 1, it’ll send 1, Q, A, Z, and left alt, as well as F1. Dafuq?? I don’t have switches installed in yet, and I’m just using tweezers to simulate a closing of the circuit, but I’m completely stumped. I’ve tried disconnecting and reconnecting, I’ve tried resoldering the diodes… Weirdly, on the number row, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 all work fine!! And the Home, Insert, and Page up only send those specific keys, not the whole row.

    Any ideas???? I’m at a loss.


    I think you are the same guy who asked me on the same question through EMail, right?


    It looks like you did some wrong with soldering diodes.

    There would be some electronic short.

    Could you desolder all the diodes in the num row?

    And re-solder it one by one and check if it’s working.

    If it doens’t solve your problem, please send me the photos of PCB.




    Yes I did, sorry, someone recommended I post here for quick response. I responded via email with photos.


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