Can I choose Micro USB

Shop Forums QnA Can I choose Micro USB

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  SeanTNT 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #2721


    Iam not a fan of Mini USB port. All my devices use Micro USB and I also have some good quality Micro USB cables.

    I remember I saw somewhere in your site, that you only offer Mini USB. Can I replace it by Micro USB? Do I need to have some more necessary steps? And why you choose Mini USB over Micro USB?


    Thanks for your interests in our products.


    We stopped to produce keyboards which are using micro-usb.




    Mini USB is not as brittle as micro USB. Therefore making it cheaper for them to use mini USB instead of constantly replacing them everytime one breaks

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