Case compatibility and PCB questions

Shop Forums QnA Case compatibility and PCB questions

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Aditya 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi there, I’m thinking to get a B.Face X2 PCB. However, is it compatible with TEX aluminium case?
    Another thing, can I actually use DIP diodes (for example 1N4148) instead of SMD diodes? Thanks


    The dimension and layout of Poker is same as B.face’s.
    So if the TEX case fits Poker style, it fits our B.face PCB too.

    Edit : You can use both SMD and DIP type of diodes.
    Diodes 1N4148W and LL4148 are all SMD type.
    We don’t offer DIP type diodes.




    Awesome! Thanks for the reply, Hojin

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