Does the SMT option on the B.87 X2 PCB include the diodes for each switch?

Shop Forums QnA Does the SMT option on the B.87 X2 PCB include the diodes for each switch?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    In the description it says it “Including Parts and Soldering: Main Controller Parts + RGB LEDs + RGB Controller + Diodes + Resistors”, are these diodes for the switches or for something to do with the leds? In other words, do i need to purchase the SMD Diodes or are they presoldered? Thanks.



    Sorry for confusing you.

    SMT option is including all parts presoldered.

    – diode presoldered

    – controller parts presoldered

    – resistors presoldered

    – RGB LED parts(RGB LEDs + sub controller) presoldered.

    (But switches and in-switch LEDs are not included.)

    And didoes are necessary for switches.



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