How to keep switches from coming off keyboard (holtites)

Shop Forums QnA How to keep switches from coming off keyboard (holtites)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Phillip Huynh 7 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hello, I just recently received all of my parts with holtites preinstalled, and I’ve noticed that the switches do not fit very snug. I noticed that, without a layer, the switch fit much better, and was a bit harder to pull out, and I believe that the switches do not hold on very well due to the topmost layer.


    Is there any solution to this?


    Hi Sorry for your inconvenience.

    I guess it is due to a switch not installed tightly.

    1. Dissemble body case.

    2. Push your switch to the end till it is stuck to a PCB.



    That helped a little bit, but doesn’t end up helping too much in the long term. My spacebar and backspace still tend to become disconnected, and switches tend to fall out pretty easily.

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