Key LED Brightness

Shop Forums QnA Key LED Brightness

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #3268

    So I’m looking into purchasing a kit pretty soon from here, and I just have a question about LED brightness.

    I read that you can change the RGB LED brightness using the keyboard or BootMapper. However can you also change the brightness of the key LEDs? Say I want the RGB LEDs at %75 and my key LEDs at %50, is this possible?


    Thanks for your interests in our products.


    Actually our keyboards don’t have a specific function to set the in-switch LED brightness.

    USB has limitation of electricity flow.
    In-switch LEDs are always using the maximum power available.

    So If you make the RGB brighter, in-switch LED is getting darker.



    Awesome just what I needed to know, thank you for the quick response.


    One more question actually,

    Can you turn the in-key LEDs off and keep the RGB LEDs on?


    You can turn off RGB LED or in-switch LED by changing mode.

    – ESC+Capslock : changing in-switch mode
    – ESC+shift+Capslock : changing RGB LED mode

    For more details, see


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