Multiple columns not working b87EX

Shop Forums QnA Multiple columns not working b87EX

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Zachary 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #5096



    I did a full DIY assembly on a B.87 EX and am having some issues. I have 2 full columns of keys not working (F4, 5, t, g, b, space, etc). I have looked at the firmware uploading guide multiple times and tried two separate versions of the firmware file just in case.

    I am confident in my soldering skills and cannot find any obvious cold solder joints or shorts. Do you have an electrical schematic available that I could use for troubleshooting? Also, my order number is #4815 if that is of any help.

    Thank you!


    Hi Sorry for your inconvenience.

    I think one of main controller pins was bad soldered.

    I attached a pic in which you can see a pin painted green.

    Please check that pin.


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    Wow, just looked at that exact pin with a 10x lens and I do believe that it did not flow properly. I will reflow the solder on that row of pins and report back if it works. Thank you so much for the help



    It worked! I reflowed only the pin you outlined and both columns are functioning normally now. Thank you very much.

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