No RGB but firmware downlaods

Shop Forums QnA No RGB but firmware downlaods

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Furiousberto 7 years ago.

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    I just finished soldering all the components to my PCB and wanted to test it before moving onto switches and in switch leds.  It connects fine, and accepts the firmware file.  But I’m not seeing any RGB lights.  I’m plugging it into a macbook, and its asking me to press shift to identify the keyboard but I don’t have any keys on it yet.  However, in the bootloader on the options tab, i’m able to firm up without error, and set RGB values, but when I disconnect I’m not getting any RGB from the LEDs.


    Do I have a soldering problem?  Or should I just start putting keys on so that I can identify the keyboard in OSX?



    Ah nevermind it was just a bad joint on the very first LED in the series.  Once i resoldered it they all came up.




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