Ordering a b.mini , need help

Shop Forums QnA Ordering a b.mini , need help

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Aperture_Sci 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #4408


    Hi Hojin.Yi,

    I want to order a b.mini x2, but I would like for you to solder everything (LED’s and switches) and install firmware so when I receive it, all I have to do is put keycaps on. I understand you have a long backlog, but is this possible for an extra charge? How much?


    Thank you!!!!!!



    Yes it’s possible.

    After placing an order of all stuffs and options, just send me an email.
    Then I will send you an invoice for “soldering switches”(cherry $22, gateron $25) and “soldering in-switch LEDs”(cherry $22, gateron $25) through Paypal.




    Hey Hojin.Yi,

    I am ordering now but confused with the space row options:


    1.25 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 6.25 x 1 x 1 x 1


    1.25 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 6.25 x 1.5 x 1.5


    I am unsure which option to chose for this set:



    Your keycap set supports all layouts for B.mini X2.

    Actually supports all sizes of keyboard.(full, 90%, TKL, 75%, 60%, num pad…)
    Also winkey(6.25U spacebar) and winkeyless(7U spacebar)

    If you want to make B.mini with your keycap set,
    you can make all B.mini supporting bottom row.

    – 1.25 +1.25+1.25 + 6.25+1+1+1
    – 1.25 +1.25+1.25 + 6.25+1.5+1.5
    – 1.5 +1.5+7+1+1+1
    – 1.5 +1.5+7+1.5+1.5

    Conclusively you don’t have to worry about layout with your keycap set.
    Just select a layout you want.




    Last question before I order Hojin.Yi,

    Do you have pictures of top layer 1 in fluorescent color?


    Thank you so much for the help!!



    Ignore, I found you posted it before! I will be ordering soon Hojin.Yi!


    Thank you again for the help

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