Possibility to open a switch without desoldering?

Shop Forums QnA Possibility to open a switch without desoldering?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  SleepiMonster 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    Is it possible to open a switch on the BBB casing without desoldering by using a tool like for example this?


    Officially no.

    If you are using a tool, it would be possible.
    But in my experience, I strongly don’t recommend to do that.
    Becasue it could make your keyboard messy.




    “Becasue it could make your keyboard messy.”

    What exactly does this mean? Concern about scratches in the acrylic plate? or something else, like lubing, etc.


    Here is CONCLUSION!!
    NO It’s impossible.

    I used a sharp tool like a chisel to open switch’s top.
    It made scratches on the switch and case.
    Sometimes broke the connectiong point and made it loose.
    (You have to make small cutout to the case with chisel.)

    Sorry for my pool english to depict the situation.

    Anyway… Please don’t do that without desoldering.



    I think there is a chance to do this by modding the 2T and 3T before assembling. You make the square hole is a bit large then you can open the top-cover of the sw.

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