Possible to Re-Order Acrylic Layer?

Shop Forums QnA Possible to Re-Order Acrylic Layer?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  flashteker@gmail.com 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6455



    I received my order last week and can’t thank you enough. The quality on everything is amazing, and the time on shipping was shorter than blinking an eye.

    While working on assembly, I had a slight accident and dropped the 4th (3T) layer of my acrylic case and ended up breaking it. I was hoping if it was possible to re-order the 4th layer? The case is for a B.mini R.

    Also, is it possible to custom order an acrylic layer? I was also looking to order two sheets of acrylic, but in a thinner size.

    Thank you.



    Sorry for hearing that.

    1. Yes it’s possible to order each layer separately.
    Each layer price is like this

    If you want, I’ll send you an invoice through Paypal.

    2. Sorry. I don’t offer a unique custom layer.

    3. If you want to order only 1 or 2 layers,
    I can ship them via K-packet. In that case it is $15.
    If you want over 2, the only delivery method is Express.

    4. Could you tell me your order number?


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