Split right-shift

Shop Forums QnA Split right-shift

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Elffers 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #3265


    is there anything special I should do when soldering the split right-shift?

    How would I enable it in the keymap software? Would it pop up automatically when I plug it in?

    Thank you.



    Yes. you can set the keymap for the right-shift key(s) by using BootMapperClient program.

    You should download this program to your desktop.
    (don’t have to install it.)

    For more details, see http://blog.winkeyless.kr/183.



    Thanks for your response.

    I’m trying to solder the switches but I’m not sure which holes I have to fill up on the bottom row (and the split-shift)

    Could you maybe make a picture where you mark the holes I have to solder for:

    standard bottom row (1.25 – 1.25 – 1.25 – 6.25 – 1.25 – 1.25 – 1.25 – 1.25)
    and the split-shift key.

    Thanks a lot!



    The easiest way is to place a plate on your PCB.
    Then you will see where to put switches as well as holes.



    I have the universal aluminium plate. I can put the switch in multiple different positions in the slots on the bottom row. I don’t have keycaps (yet) so I can’t test-fit it with my desired layout.

    If you have a picture of the back of a b.face x2 pcb with a standard bottom row soldered onto it(3x 1.25 – 6.25 – 4x 1.25), and another picture with the back of a pcb that has a split-shift, that’d be great. I can’t find any :/

    Thank you!


    Nevermind, found one: http://i.imgur.com/fQw5Q0k.jpg

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