Stabilizers too tight for keycaps

Shop Forums QnA Stabilizers too tight for keycaps

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dave0 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5864


    I have tried out several types of keycaps with the stabilizers and all of them stick when bottoming out. I have tried lubing both the stabs as well as the keycaps themselves, but nothing seems to help. How can I get the keys to move freely?


    Oh.. sorry for your inconvenience.

    1. Could you follow this guide :
    Here is also good blog :

    2. Could you show me your PCB with stabilizer installed?





    It looks like that the wire for the stabilizers doesn’t allow the stabs to move up and down with the keycap. I took out the wires and the keys move fine now, but the wires should definitely be in there. I’ll take pictures of the stabilizers when I can. Thanks.

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