Testing before soldering

Shop Forums QnA Testing before soldering

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  me1 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #7213


    Goodmorning from the netherlands.


    pcb arrived a while back and i’m still waiting for other parts, now i’m trying to test it, but the lights only seem to flicker shortly while plugging it in with a mini usb cable, am i stupid or unable to find the proper testing method for the lights etc ?



    Sorry for late reply.

    Could you show me how to test it?

    Is it always flickering or temporarily?




    Hey no problem.


    I’ve got the PCB and i’m just hooking it up using usb cable to test the presoldered RGB lighting on the PCB. As i connect it about halfway into the USB connection 3/4 RGB lights flash slightly blue and then no more light after that small flickering.


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