Toggle Bootmapper Function Not Working

Shop Forums QnA Toggle Bootmapper Function Not Working

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nate 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    Every other function I have tried is working fantastic, but for some reason I cannot get the “Toggle Bootmapper” option to toggle at all. Uploading and downloading firmware works, I can even edit the firmware and that seems to work fine too. However, the toggle bootmapper button just doesn’t respond at all. It makes it very difficult to map out each key based on the assigned name. Are there any compatibility issues with Windows 10? Could it be the cable I’m using? I’m completely at a loss here as it seems to work fine for everyone else. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



    Sorry for your inconvenience.

    Could you try the latest firmware and BootmapperClient program?
    (See details here




    I have tried that and it seems to upload without any issues. Weirdly enough the (R) firmware works as well as the regular firmware. Shouldn’t my LEDs not work when using the (R) firmware? It does say that my keymap ver is 140513. Does that mean it’s not uploading properly?


    I think you uploaded a keymap file.

    I hope you to try to upload the latest firmware file whose name is ps2avrGB_NKRO.hex.




    Well, apparently I can’t read. That fixed it!

    Thank you very much for your help. All the best.

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