You will need to buy a 60% PCB, the switches, the in-switch LEDs, and the case. Some PCBs come with all the SMD components and controller chip soldered on so all you have to do is solder the switches in place but the PCBs you can buy in here give you the option of buying it with the SMD and controller already soldered (with options like “Diodes and soldering’ or “Resistors and soldering”) so all you have to do is solder the switches or getting the PCB with the controller and SMD components separately so you can solder everything yourself.
It sounds like you want it already put together and in a case so all you have to do is add the keycaps you want on top and start using it. I don’t know if switch soldering is offered but the best thing would be for you to email the owner ( explain what you want done, and see what he says. I would say you could just choose the correct options but if you are completely new to stuff like this you may not be able to select the correct options or even know what to select so it might be easier and less stressful for you to contact the owner!