Zealio's fit in Holtite?

Shop Forums QnA Zealio's fit in Holtite?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  flashteker@gmail.com 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6322



    Will  Zealio purple 67g  switches fit b.face that is optimized for Holtite? Will I need to purchase and install Holtite’s myself or will the PCB come with Holtites installed?

    Ultimately what I want is a b.face PCB and acrylic case with Zealios switches without me having to do any soldering as I don’t have a soldering iron available. Is it possible to have the PCB come to me ready to have the switches installed to the holtites and have a ready to use keyboard?

    Thank you much.



    Thanks for your insterests in my products.

    1. Yes. You can use holtites for zealios switches.

    2. Either way is OK. The fee for installation of holtites is
    – for switch : $15
    – for in-switch LEDs : $15

    3. If you want me to install zealios switches,
    you should send the switches to me.
    But I strongly recommend that you install the switches by yourself.
    It is very easy when you are using holtites.


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