B.Mini EX RGBs suddenly stopped working

Shop Forums QnA B.Mini EX RGBs suddenly stopped working

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  flashteker@gmail.com 6 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #7475



    I assembled a B.Mini EX in fall of last year. Recently, I noticed that the RGBs have stopped working and I can’t figure out why.

    – Have tried reuploading firmware (ps2avrGB ver 1.4.0)
    – Have tried changing all settings in Options (Num of RGB LEDs I have set to 12).
    – Have tried clearing EEPROM.

    Would someone mind taking a look at my rookie soldering job to see if that’s the issue?

    Has anyone experienced the same thing?

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by  Quinn.
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    Sorry for your inconvenience.

    First of all I can’t tell if your soldering is reason by seeing the photo.

    1. Didn’t you do anything just before this problem happened?

    2. Could you tell me your order number which would help look into your problem.




    My order was Order W6276.

    I had to have my keyboard in a box to move to a new home. This keyboard was stored diagonally in a box so as to not have any pressure on the keys, as I didn’t have a case for this particular board.



    First of all, you should check the soldering of the switches?
    There could be slight electric short.


    Could you test your keyboard with another cable or PC?
    Probably electric power could’ve made that problem.




    Hi again, Hojin,


    I just checked my soldering, and couldn’t find anything wrong. All of my switches are working properly, and all switch LEDs are lighting properly.

    I’ve also tested this keyboard with other cables on other machines, with no difference.

    I can’t really think of what would have broken this, aside from software.

    Is there any troubleshooting I can do with the RGBs?


    Hi Sorry for late reply.

    Only RGB LED is not working properly?

    It means bad soldering or broken RGB LED.

    I have nothing to tell you but check your soldering or RGB LEDs.


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