Building Winkeyless layout

Shop Forums QnA Building Winkeyless layout

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #8800


    Hello! I want to build a winkeyless layout keyboard but don’t have a soldering iron at the moment. If I order a B87 pcb (SMT) with winkeyless stabilizers and ask for you guys to put Holtites on before sending it, will I be able to build a winkeyless layout keyboard without soldering anything at all?

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    Also, if I ask for Gateron Black switches, will you guys be able to pre assemble the pcb with Gateron Blacks? (obviously for an extra fee)



    Sorry for late reply.

    If you select holtites and ask me to intall them,
    you don’t have to ask me to install switches.
    It’s quite easy. Just push switches into holtites.

    And at the moment I don’t have Gateron switches in stock.

    After placing an order of all stuffs and service,
    just let me know you want preinstalled holtites.


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