Case Colors and Cherry or Gateron in options?

Shop Forums QnA Case Colors and Cherry or Gateron in options?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by 6 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #4771


    I’m really new to a lot of this keyboard stuff, I have done a few builds before but I want to build a “Korean style” keyboard. I am really confused about a lot of the options, but I found a typing video of the B.87 and I want to understand the color layers on the Acrylic case with the diffuser. I also want to know when choosing the options for any PCB it shows the keyswitch options but I dont know if the keyswitches are Gateron or Cherry.
    I really love the look of his keyboard in the video and if you could look at the video to see what layer colors he used that would really be appreciated 🙂



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    Thanks for your interests in my products.

    The layer colors of that keyboard is
    – Layer 1(2T) : matte black
    – Layer 2(3T) : matte frost
    -Layer 5(5T, inner feet) : transparent
    -Layer5-1(2T, outer feet):matte frost

    You can see in depth at

    And the switch is MX Cherry Black.





    Does this product no longer exist?


    Oh… No.

    At the moment I offer only “Bold” case.(
    whose plate is aluminum.


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