What do I need to solder with SMT?

Shop Forums QnA What do I need to solder with SMT?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  flashteker@gmail.com 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #8697

    Dan Tran

    Hello, new to the mechanical keyboard community and this would be my first build. I’m currently considering the B.mini EX X2 as part of my first build, but I’m a bit confused. I want my keyboard to have NCS indicators and this kryboake supports it, but I got conflicting information on what I need to solder to make the keyboard and the NCS indicators to work. If order an SMT PCB, what do I need to solder (excluding switches) for the keyboard to work and also use NCS indicators?


    Edit: Regarding the NCS indicators, please give directions to both using in switch LEDs and the LEDs under the space bar. Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by  Dan Tran.


    Thanks for your interests in my products.

    Surely you can use N,C, S indicators with in-switch LED.
    In this page(https://winkeyless.kr/soldering-guide/), you can find how to solder in-switch LED (find section “<Resistors to make Scroll Lock and Num Lock LED as Full LED>”)

    The both(in-switch and under keyboard) will work.



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